Sunday, February 25, 2007

More Issues

I really am a lucky guy. I live in a great area. My wife is smart, funny, and truly, stunningly beautiful both inside and outside. We're not rich, but we are financially very secure. We have some really great, fun friends who we see for dinner or go out with on weekends. Life is good, right?

It should be... but I still feel like something is missing. It's the friend thing. All of our friends, it seems, were Jenna's friends before they were my friends, and are women. Honestly, I was so busy over the past 5 years trying to make money that the friendship thing wasn't a top priority for me. Don't get me wrong, most of our friends (her friends) are wonderful and would do anything for her. The problem is, I feel like most of them have a very peculiar Southern California attitude. They are all very fit, work out all the time, and everyone is making pretty good money. They have the perfect SoCal blend of Narcissism and Hedonism. This results in a group of people who take pleasure in looking good and feeling good. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?

The strange thing is, they are all single!  I swear, they are much more interested in dating guys than they are at all in settling down.  I guess I'm just a good old country boy at heart, but some of these girls make me a bit uneasy.  They have the same attitude towards men that some guys I knew in high school had toward women - "what can I get from him (her)?"  Back home, the guys were interested in only one thing (sex), but these girls are interested in two things - how much money does he have, and how is the sex.

Like I said, these girls are all a lot of fun to hang around with, so I'm not complaining.  Sometimes, though, I'm not sure that it's all that healthy for Jenna to be spending all her time with friends who are so materialistic.  I just don't want her viewing our relationship in those terms.